Liza’s daughter Amarah has been on the Senior team for the last three years. She was a member of our Senior 2, Avalanche for one year and has been on Senior Co-Ed 3, Snow-Ed for two years. Liza was previously the Hermantown High School cheerleading coach for several years. Her first interaction with Ideal was when she had taken her high school cheer program to a clinic that was hosted by the gym, and they instantly fell in love.

As a typical Hermantown Hawk, Amarah started playing hockey as a U8. While it didn’t come naturally for her, she worked hard and was determined to be the best she could be. She loved being on the ice and the camaraderie of it all and eventually made the A-team. When she was old enough to try out for cheerleading, she decided she would do both. Football cheer in the fall, and hockey in the winter. After an injury on the ice her freshman year, she decided to take some time off from the sport she had grown up with. Liza wanted to make sure her daughter stayed active and enrolled her into the competitive elite program at Ideal that season. They have been hooked ever since. This year she has dropped all other activities to focus on her training in all-star as well as coaching our Tiny Team, The Icicles.
Her favorite memories include watching the athletes’ reactions when they know they hit and the competition weekend team bonding parties. Her favorite part of Ideal is watching the athlete’s reactions to their own performance. She said,
“To see them after they know they “hit” and gave it their all is the best thing ever! The confidence they gain from the first competition to the last is night and day!”

Since being a part of the program, Liza has learned that:
- Practice is key! Everything that is put into your time at the gym and at home makes the world of a difference!
- The coaches love their athletes! They want to see them achieve their goals. Not just at practice or competitions but in life.
- Your team is family-athletes and parents. I can’t imagine my life without my Snow-Ed family!

Liza’s Advice to Any Newcomers:
“Go for it!!! This program has built my daughter into a strong, confident, and talented athlete. She had always been athletic, she had played softball and hockey for years. Some injuries had happened and those sports were no longer options for her. She had gone to a clinic at Ideal over the summer and was encouraged to attend one of the senior practices. Competitive cheer was something I never imagined would be an interest of hers but boy was I wrong. She instantly loved it! I never saw her flourish like she did at Ideal! The strength she has gained in her body and her mind is amazing! She has had wonderful role models as coaches that will continue to mold her mind for years to come! I cannot thank Ideal enough for all the love they have given her!”