Steph is the parent of one of our crossover athletes, Emma. Emma is on two competitive teams, level 1 mini Flurries and level 1 youth Frost. They have been involved in the program for several years. Originally, Steph had found the program through a Google search after moving to central Wisconsin. They were fresh off a great season with another all-star program closer to Chicago, and Ideal was the best fit for their family – even though there was a ninety-minute drive each way.

One of Steph’s favorite parts about being involved in the program at Ideal are the bonds that are created here. She said, “Between the parents and the kids, it’s like a second family.” Emma has learned the importance of confidence, sportsmanship, and team mentality.
When we asked Steph was her favorite memory from your time at Ideal, she responded with “Oh my gosh, I have so many memories. I couldn’t just pick one!”

Steph’s Advice to Any Newcomers:
“The commitment is as big for parents as it is for the kids.”