Missi and her daughter Skylar have an interesting Ideal story! Missi has been here since the beginning. She is our Program Director as well as an Elite Team Coach. She has coached many different levels and teams over the past seven seasons. This year, she coaches our Youth Level 1 Team, Frost and our Junior Level 2 Team, Black Ice. Skylar has been a part of Ideal for the last four seasons. Skylar started on our Icicles team and is currently on our Tiny Exhibition Team, Crystals.

Missi had discovered Ideal directly from the source, our Owner Chelsie Hollencamp. Chelsie and Missi had met about 10 years ago through their mutual love for cheer.
When we asked Missi what she has learned from being a part of the program, she said “Skylar is a competitive kid and she really loves to learn new things. My favorite thing is hearing her say ‘Mom look what I learned to do at practice!’ Skylar has learned to follow directions, and I’ve learned I’m not her coach so I have to just go with the flow.”

“My favorite memory – which is also my least favorite – was Skylar’s first ever competition. She was just 3 years old and was so nervous, but she went out there and (kind of) smiled the whole time. Her team was the first performance of the competition, and they started early so we all missed the first half. I was really angry and definitely cried.”

Missi’s Advice to Any Newcomers:
“Stop into the gym and speak with someone so you can ask questions. They will more than likely be able to answer all of them or find someone who can.”